Cyber Resilience for Critical Infrastructure


Digital Resilience and Compliance

Defending Your Digital World

Secior is a Dutch cybersecurity company with the aim of mapping and improving the cyber resilience of companies in accordance with international requirements, such as the NIS2. With our Overwatch software platform, we measure your current cyber resilience and indicate which actions you need to take to become sufficiently cyber resilient and thus also meet the current minimum requirements, as described in the NIS2 Directive (art. 21). In this way, we can completely unburden you regarding cyber security and future NIS2 compliance!

Cyber Resilience for Critical Infrastructure Organizations

NIS2 Management Team Training

The NIS2 is a European Directive that aims to improve the cyber resilience of critical infrastructure organizations. NIS2 will have to be transposed into national legislation, which should apply from 18 October 2024 at the latest. Organizations that fall under NIS2 must meet certain cyber resilience requirements and directors of these organizations are held jointly and severally liable for non-compliance. Does NIS2 apply to your organization? In that case, you are required by law to follow cyber resilience training.

wlp law en secior


Your organization cyber-secure and NIS2 compliant!

With Secior, you don't have to worry about the security of your organization. We provide the necessary insight into your current cyber resilience and assist in achieving the required resilience as stated in the NIS2, among other things. This makes your organization cyber-secure and NIS2 compliant!

NIS2 Readiness Workshop

This one-day service consists of mapping the current cyber resilience of the organization. Our NIS2 Readiness Assessment application is used for this. This application assesses the organization based on the 15 minimum measures (art. 21 NIS2) and provides the current NIS2 maturity level.

NIS2 readiness scan

NIS2 Management Team Training

Increase your cyber resilience with Secior's NIS2 Management Training. Our comprehensive training provides your management team with an in-depth understanding of the new NIS2 directive, including its expectations, requirements and benefits. We help you understand these regulations so that your organisation is fully aware of the stricter cyber security standards and optimally prepared for future challenges. Choose Secior and make sure your management is well informed about the NIS2 directive.

NIS2 full cyber resilience

Cyber Risk Assessment

This service consists of placing a specialized sensor (physical or virtual) in the network, analyzing this sensor data and delivering a Risk Assessment report. This report contains the following sections: Asset Inventory, Network Visualization, Vulnerability Overview, Conclusion & Recommendations.

NIS2 Risk management

Risk Management, Compliance & Audit

What does NIS2 mean
for your organization?

The NIS2 Directive aims to improve the cyber resilience of European organisations identified as critical infrastructure (essential entities). This European directive must be transposed into national legislation on a country-by-country basis.
One consequence of the NIS2 is that cybersecurity governance will be subject to stricter scrutiny; failure to properly or insufficiently implement the legislation is going to have significant financial consequences and can even lead to personal liability of directors in the event of an incident.
Secior has certified auditors with extensive experience in OT/IT audits and cyber risks. They have extensive experience in implementing such legislation.

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OT (Operational Technology) is the Achilles heel
of essential businesses

Secior has its origins in the data center industry. For the most part, data centers consist of OT. Most critical infrastructure companies (energy companies, water boards, food industry, manufacturing, etc.) – just like data centers – have many OT systems and share the same cybersecurity challenges. Secior specializes in OT Security and offers its services to protect these companies and prevent failures.

Sectoren icoontjes


How can we help?

Every cyber resilience question deserves a tailor-made answer and solution. Our team understands the current challenges like no other and helps to improve and maintain the digital resilience of your organization.
Contact us: +31 85 2736036 or send an email to

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The latest developments and events in the field of data center cybersecurity.